Properties Private
_chainId _chainId : number
burn burn : { prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ; ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > ; } = ... Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ tokenId: BigNumberish ] Returns Promise < TResult > prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ tokenId: BigNumberish ] Returns Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > cancel cancel : { prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ; ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > ; } = ... Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ tokenId: BigNumberish ] Returns Promise < TResult > prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ tokenId: BigNumberish ] Returns Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > claim Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ quantity: BigNumberish , options?: ClaimOptions ] Returns Promise < TResult >
an array of results containing the id of the token claimed, the transaction receipt and a promise to optionally fetch the nft metadata
claimTo Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ destinationAddress: string , quantity: BigNumberish , options?: ClaimOptions ] Returns Promise < TResult >
an array of results containing the id of the token claimed, the transaction receipt and a promise to optionally fetch the nft metadata
claimWithConditions Private
claimZora claimZora : undefined | Erc721ClaimableZora
contractWrapper contractWrapper : ContractWrapper < T >
erc721SharedMetadata erc721SharedMetadata : undefined | Erc721SharedMetadata
featureName featureName : "ERC721" =
lazyMint lazyMint : { prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < TransactionResultWithId < objectOutputType < { animation_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; id : ZodString ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; uri : ZodString ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > [] > > ) ; ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > ; } = ... Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ metadatas: ( string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ) [] , options?: { onProgress : ( ( event ) => void ) ; } ] Returns Promise < TResult > prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < TransactionResultWithId < objectOutputType < { animation_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; id : ZodString ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; uri : ZodString ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > [] > > ) ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < TransactionResultWithId < objectOutputType < { animation_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; id : ZodString ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; uri : ZodString ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > [] > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ metadatas: ( string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ) [] , options?: { onProgress : ( ( event ) => void ) ; } ] Returns Promise < Transaction < TransactionResultWithId < objectOutputType < { animation_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; id : ZodString ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; uri : ZodString ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > [] > > Private
loyaltyCard loyaltyCard : undefined | Erc721LoyaltyCard
mint Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ metadata: string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ] Returns Promise < TResult > ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < TransactionResultWithId < NFT > > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ metadata: string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ] mintBatch Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ metadatas: ( string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ) [] ] Returns Promise < TResult > ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < TransactionResultWithId < NFT > [] > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ metadatas: ( string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ) [] ] mintBatchTo Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ receiver: string , metadatas: ( string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ) [] ] Returns Promise < TResult > ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < TransactionResultWithId < NFT > [] > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ receiver: string , metadatas: ( string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ) [] ] mintTo Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ receiver: string , metadata: string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ] Returns Promise < TResult > ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < TransactionResultWithId < NFT > > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ receiver: string , metadata: string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ] revoke revoke : { prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ; ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > ; } = ... Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ tokenId: BigNumberish ] Returns Promise < TResult > prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ tokenId: BigNumberish ] Returns Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > setApprovalForAll setApprovalForAll : { prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ; ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > ; } = ... Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ operator: string , approved: boolean ] Returns Promise < TResult > prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ operator: string , approved: boolean ] Returns Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > Private
signatureMintable Protected
storage storage : ThirdwebStorage < IpfsUploadBatchOptions >
transfer transfer : { prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ; ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > ; } = ... Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ to: string , tokenId: BigNumberish ] Returns Promise < TResult > prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ to: string , tokenId: BigNumberish ] Returns Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > transferFrom transferFrom : { prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ; ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > ; } = ... Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ from: string , to: string , tokenId: BigNumberish ] Returns Promise < TResult > prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ from: string , to: string , tokenId: BigNumberish ] Returns Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > Private
updatableMetadata updatableMetadata : undefined | Erc721UpdatableMetadata
update update : { prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ; ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > ; } = ... Type declaration ( ... args ) : Promise < TResult > Parameters Rest
... args : [ tokenId: BigNumberish , metadata: string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ] Returns Promise < TResult > prepare : ( ( ... args ) => Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > ) ( ... args ) : Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > > Parameters Rest
... args : [ tokenId: BigNumberish , metadata: string | objectInputType < { animation_url : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; attributes : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; background_color : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodEffects < ZodString , string , string > , ZodString ] > > > ; description : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodString > > > ; external_url : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; image : ZodOptional < ZodNullable < ZodUnion < [ ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodObject < { data : ZodUnion < [ ZodTypeAny , ZodString ] > ; name : ZodString ; } , "strip" , ZodTypeAny , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } , { data ?: any ; name : string ; } > ] > , ZodString ] > > > ; name : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodString , ZodNumber ] > > > ; properties : ZodNullable < ZodOptional < ZodUnion < [ ZodArray < ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > , "many" > , ZodObject < {} , "strip" , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , objectOutputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > , objectInputType < {} , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > > ] > > > ; } , ZodUnion < [ ZodEffects < ZodUnion < [ ZodBigInt , ZodType < BigNumber , ZodTypeDef , BigNumber > , ZodType < BN , ZodTypeDef , BN > ] > , string , bigint | BN | BigNumber > , ZodUnknown ] > , "strip" > ] Returns Promise < Transaction < Omit < TransactionResultWithMetadata < unknown > , "data" > > >
Standard ERC721 NFT functions
Basic functionality for a ERC721 contract that handles IPFS storage for you.